
Friday, June 27, 2014

Spring4Netty without Web.XML configuration on Java 8 (JBoss WildFly and Tomcat 8) - part.5:: Application Servers and logging

img.1.: official log

  This part about selected application start normally, just by downloading both of them and setting them up in your favorite IDE (img.2.) which is in my case IntelliJ IDEA (img.1.)

img.2.: Application Serves bond with IDE
   So here we go, app servers inside (like the intel processor). What it good to point out already at the beginning is the servlet-api versions support. 

Don't try to run this example project (GiTHub repository) on Tomcat 6.x. Why ? It's because Tomcat 6.x supports servlet-api ver. 2.5, and as you can find in the parent pom.xml file, the version 3.x of servlet-api is required. It's because of features we have touched earlier  (part.4..

   Almost every project uses some logging framework, in project case we use Simple Logging  Facade (SLF4j) together with well known Log4j. I don't want to write a lot about application logging design it's the another story (this project is just hot setup of usage). 
   What I want to touch here is the topic "How to enable logging under JBoss WildFly per deployment for SLF4j" 
   It 's because by the default installation of WildFly it not allowed. You see actually any Logger output in your SystemOut or log file.  

Let's edit in following way the ../standalone.xml file that you can find in the WildFly directory
            <!-- IMPORTANT LINE --> 

The logging is not fully setup but important details are there so you can enjoy my project. 
s4netty project GiTHub repository

ps: Also I've not merged JUnit, Mockito  tests in case I didn't want to touch this topic in this blogpost. 

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