
Friday, June 27, 2014

Spring4Netty without Web.XML configuration on Java 8 (JBoss WildFly and Tomcat 8) - part.4:: Base - Spring MVC without Web.xml usage 2

img.1.: s4netty-web deployment result

  The base web module s4netty-web is almost similar to  the previous worker module (s4netty-worker) from the perspective of the Spring MVC configuration. 

  The main difference is the Servlet Context setup. In the usage 1 (s4netty-worker) everything was defined by appropriate annotations. In the usage 2 (s4netty-web) the Servlet Context is defined in traditional XML way from perspective of servlet definition. 

  The WebApplicationContext is instantiated by XmlWebApplicationContext which (img.2.) extends AbstractRefreshableWebApplicationContext. Here we go deeper to all WebApplicationContext implementations which are supposed to instantiate themselves  according to the provided configuration over the interface. 
img.2.: s4netty-web module structure 
  The purpose of  XmlWebApplicationContext  class is to load WebApplicationContext from the XML configuration files.  
public class WebInitializer implements WebApplicationInitializer {
    public void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext) throws ServletException {
        XmlWebApplicationContext ctx = new XmlWebApplicationContext();

  What was also earlier only briefly touched (part1:: img.0.) is the ability of s4netty-web module to communicate with s4netty-worker  module utilising JSON serialisation/deserialisation over the service and pre-defined port P.

  The s4netty-web module uses instantiation of the RestTemplate which simplifies communication with HTTP server, its synchronous and it enforces RESTful principles, what is obvious from it name RestTemplate ;), but honestly it's pretty handy to use. 
public class MainController {
    RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public String printWelcome(ModelMap model) {
  Let's ask s4netty-worker module for the car list using newly instantiated RestTemplate
   private List getSimpleCarList(){
        List result = new ArrayList<>();
            result = restTemplate.getForObject(S4_NETTY_WORKER_LINK, List.class);
            logger.debug("getSimpleCarList result= " + result);
        }catch (HttpClientErrorException e){
            logger.error("getSimpleCarList jsonCarList e= " + e);
        return result;

  Now we have ready two deployable war files and we can take a look at the result. But before we do so it's fair to mention why such configuration works.  The reason is that we do use for
 registering servlets in both cases  
   import javax.servlet.ServletRegistration.Dynamic

interface which uses one of addServlet()  methods into ServletContext. The interface is the part of javax.servlet-api imported previously by Maven into the project. 
After this final hit we do know all and we can start with deployment on application servers (JBoss WildFly & Tomcat 8 were selected).
Let's make it in the Next part (Click Next

s4netty project GiTHub repository


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